We like to experiment. It is both humbling and eye-opening. So we make gruits. Gruit is the umbrella term for a medieval style of beer that incorporates many types of bittering agents other than hops. Born from the brewer's imagination and the necessity of using whatever grew nearby, Gruit is a broad category of beers that experiments with traditional and unique ingredients. Our contemporary vision takes this to its logical and illogical conclusions - we use everything from wormwood to black tea to turmeric to wild yeasts harvested from the Los Angeles surrounds. We want you to enjoy our brews, but also to take the imaginative message of the Gruit into your own hands in all your creative endeavors ~
"Eye-Opening" - The Los Angeles Times
"For SoLARC, beer (is) a new experiential, participatory — and olfactory — art form."
— L.A. Weekly

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Solarc was born from two friends in the LA arts community who bonded over a batch of mead, which they brewed while listening to Gregorian chant in the companies current headquarters, a barn like garage in Highland Park.
After a few years of obsessively home brewing all sorts of magical potions and pouring their concoctions at art events around town, they decided to take it to the next level and launched Solarc Brewing in early 2015 as nomadic brewers with a dream of growing to eventually open a community space that can host a number of fermented experiments and performance art events.
To date the brewery has released over 20 different brews all with different herbs, spices, plants, fruits, and/or tea's that are outside the realm of what is used in today’s average beers. They nod to herbal medicine, deep history, and experimental art for inspiration.
They manifest their imaginations in many ways and treat every aspect of Solarc as their art, from designing labels and graphics, to designing recipes and creative events, to finding zen like fluxus meaning in the minimalist physical labor required to mass produce…things………
They are constantly aiming to expand their minds and palates and invite you to join ~